JUST LAST YEAR, THE CAREER OF A MEDICAL Doctor who was involved in sexual escapades with the niece of his wife tragically came to an end.
Here was a man, a Physician, who had everything going for him but still wasn’t satisfied. He had a full grown and matured woman as Wife but wasn’t contented but went further to tamper with the niece of his wife who was under his roof. He exploited her sexually and used his professional skills to cover up his tracks by giving her drugs that would prevent her from getting pregnant. Unfortunately, he was a SIMPLE MAN who was VOID OF UNDERSTANDING and did not know that “Sin will take you farther than you want to go, cost you more than you want to pay, and keep you longer than you want to stay!” And so, contrary to all his expectations, he was exposed, taken to court and, long story short, SENTENCED TO LIFE IMPRISONMENT! As it is, he has lost his marriage, home, family, etc. He has lost everything, yes EVERYTHING. All because of LUST.
In our Anchor scripture for today, we see a young man VOID OF UNDERSTANDING and the choice that his lack of understanding caused him to make: to visit a harlot and get some “servicing”! But unknown to most people, this is one of the fastest ways by which men have perished from the earth.
When the Bible talks about the SIMPLE, it’s not talking about the uneducated or the poor. It’s talking about those who don’t know the fear of the Lord. It’s not talking about the uneducated but those who live according to the dictates of their FLESH.
I have seen men with college degrees perish ahead of their time all because they embraced sexual promiscuity, which they nicked named “WOMANIZING” as lifestyle and carried on merrily until it bit them like a deadly Cobra resulting in their untimely death.
What the world calls “Womanizing” is called FORNICATION or ADULTERY by the Word of God; which also warns very sternly that it leads most certainly to grievous consequences. Hear what it says:
“And thou mourn at the last, WHEN THY FLESH AND THY BODY ARE CONSUMED”(Proverbs 5:11). Adultery may seem like “playboy lifestyle” for now but the “pay time” is surely coming. For sure, fornication is not fun. It comes with a gloomy aftermath. For sure, Samson the well built strong man was “enjoying”, as he moved from one pair of beautiful thighs to another in the country of the philistines, oblivious of the deep-seated and dark hatred the people had for him until it happened suddenly one day. He was caught and his eyes were pulled out as he screamed in pains!
My former Lecturer, though well educated, lacked understanding and so had a penchant for adultery. Well one day, he visited a married woman in one of the state capitals in Nigeria. The woman somehow seemed to be promising. Encouraged by that, he went back to her on the day the she promised him. As he got near her, she took him by surprise. She suddenly emptied boiling water on his face and he was hospitalized for half a year. By the time he recovered enough to return to our class for work, his face was different!
Dear Married Man/Woman who is still drawn to sexual immorality, know that the devil is boiling VERY HOT WATER to pour suddenly on your on you and damage you forever. Don’t let him.
Repent of your Sins TODAY and Believe on Jesus Christ; and you’ll become a New Creature. Once you receive Christ, the Holy Spirit will come into your life and give you Understanding.
Tonight, sit down together and soberly read Proverbs 5 from the beginning to the end. Note and write down it’s strong warnings on sexual immorality.