DO YOU HAVE HONEY in your home? If you do, please get to where it is, NOW. Open it, take a teaspoonful and place on your tongue. How does it taste? Sweet, isn’t it? How does it feel? Refreshingly nourishing, right?
Now, if you do not touch it for the whole of next month and afterwards come back to taste it, you’ll still find it tasting exactly as it does now, because all the properties that make it HONEY are INTACT. The same goes for Salt and Pepper and Water. They all retain their original tastes because they RETAIN ALL THEIR COMPONENTS. The same should be the case in Marriage but it’s not so in most because after sometime, Spouses select what to allow in their Marriage and what to cast away. And that’s why there are so many dysfunctional Marriages: Kissing and other practices that are basic, fundamental and essential to married life have been abandoned. Consequently, such unions no longer “taste” like Wine; not to talk of tasting better than wine!(Songs of Solomon 1:2)
Dear Husband and Wife, when was the last time you kissed each other? How long did the kiss last? How often do you kiss?
Or are you one of those who harbour the ignorant thought that Kissing is an American or White Man “thing” and that you can’t practice it as an African?
Well, Marriage is not American. Neither is it African, Asian, Australian or European. Marriage is from God and so also is KISSING.
Kissing is an outward demonstration of the deep and tender affection you have for your Spouse. It’s also a sign that you find your Spouse not only highly desirable and irresistibly alluring but that they’re also clean, healthy and romantically attractive.
Kissing is a powerful and affectionate way of greeting each other in Marriage. Even among early Christians, there was the “Holy Kiss” which St. Paul commanded the Corinthians to practice in greeting each other in church(2 Corinthians 13:12). He felt verbal greetings, though good and adequate in itself, should be surpassed with something more impactful and more demonstrative of true brotherly love in Christ and that’s why he commanded the Holy Kiss.
Similarly, Spouses need to sometimes go beyond verbal greetings and engage in “Kiss-Greetings” as a better way of saying “Welcome”, “Thank You”, “How Are You?” “I Appreciate You”, “You’re So Irresistibly Attractive.”
The practice of touching and kissing each other often turns your marriage into a hot Love Affair. And that’s to your advantage because you’re drawn closer to each other every new day as you make the practice one of Love Habits in Marriage.
Are you that Couple who have long abandoned the lovely and comely marital practice of Kissing? Please, it’s time to get back to it. Your marriage is incomplete without Kissing. You may not feel that you’re missing anything, but you really are.
Lovebirds know that kissing has emotional and other benefits and that’s why they don’t only happily practice it consistently but glamorize it!π΄π΄π΄π΄π΄π΄π΄π΄
After your evening meal today, take time to thoroughly brush your mouth and teeth “in readiness” because your Assignment tonight isn’t to read the Bible. It’s something new.
Just before you go to bed tonight, you’re going to kiss each other nonstop for SEVEN MINUTES. Keep a timepiece close by to help you ensure that you reach the SEVEN MINUTES target.