Enriching Matrimonies


‘Now concerning the things of which you wrote to me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. (NKJV)’

IF YOU READ LOVEBIRDS’ DAILY DEVOTIONAL for yesterday, then you already know that we are in LOVEBIRDS’ ALL MARRIED LOVERS’ WEEK! (LAMLOW).

In this beautiful week’s Programme, our focus TODAY as we practically practice being Married Lovers is to use the Power of TOUCH.

Growing up, you must have experienced the power of Touch several times. When you fell down, Daddy or Mummy ran to where you were, raised you up, touched the part of your body that hit the ground, drew you close to themselves, gave you a hug and spoke loving words to you and your crying died down. No medicines were administered but the loving words and The Touch of loving HANDS did the magic. They gave you instant emotional healing that spread throughout your entire being, killing the pains and the shame of your embarrassing fall.

Do we know that every Adult is only a child that has grown to full maturity? When an Adult experiences any of life’s many kinds of fall, the Power of TOUCH can make a great difference. This is particularly a loving TOUCH from the person with whom you are close or deeply intimate.

In your relationship with your beloved Spouse who has rejected millions of other men/women and chosen to be one flesh with you for life, it’s important you recognize, understand and utilize the power of Touch to the fullest

Touching is a language and speaks volumes. And where you touch on the Body of the other person is an express message in itself.

Between Men and Women, Touching doesn’t only speak, it can easily go beyond speaking and start a Fire!

In our anchor scripture, Apostle Paul by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit commanded that it’s not good for a Man to touch a Woman. He was speaking about Touching the opposite Sex outside the holy confines of marriage. Why? Because such a Touch can easily kindle the fiery and treacherous fire of lust.
Many extramarital affairs began with A TOUCH that was given by the opposite sex which should have been instantly rejected but was not.

One of the powers God has given Spouses to build deep intimacy, strong closeness and lingering fondness among themselves is that of TOUCHING EACH OTHER.

As we saw in yesterday’s devotional piece, statistics reveal that in South America, happily married Couples touch each other 240 times within the 24 hours of the day. This is a culture where Spouses have discovered and recognized the immense Power there is in mutually touching each other and frequently so; in the course of the 24 hour day.
In this culture, Spouses must have also learned that you don’t have to wait until there’s something special to celebrate before you touch each other. And you don’t have to wait until the moment of sexual intimacy before you touch one another in love and affection. Just touching each other communicates diverse messages including: “I love you”, “I find you so attractive!” “You’re Dear to me”, “You are beautiful!” “You’re on my mind!” “You’re important to me”, “I’m happy I married YOU!”, etc, etc.

Now, can you see that your hands are not empty? There is Power in your hands every single moment! This POWER is to be used in building your relationship with each other as a couple. TOUCHING your Spouse impacts them emotionally and then erotically; lifts up their spirits and ingnites joy.

At this point, it’s important you know this: Don’t be that Spouse who rejects the loving gifts of Touch coming from your Mate, except of course if it’s coming at a most inappropriate time such as when your partner is in prayer. Spouses must be wise enough to touch each other at the right time and in the right places.

TODAY, you’re going to use the Power of TOUCH to get closer to each other and to be sweeter to one another.

In closing, let’s look at the scripture below:

“And behold, a leper came and worshiped Him, saying, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” THEN JESUS PUT OUT HIS HAND AND TOUCHED HIM, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” Immediately his leprosy was cleansed.”
(Matthew 8:2-3 NKJV)
In Israel, it was forbidden to touch a leper because if nothing else, it carried the risk of getting infected. Jesus could have healed this man without touching him. After all, He raised Lazarus from dead without touching him. But do you know what? This leper had suffer rejection for years and Jesus wanted to express LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE to him with a Touch even as He was going to heal him permanently. That TOUCH from the Saviour must have remained indelible in that man’s the rest of his life.

TODAY, don’t see your Spouse as unworthy of your TOUCH because of what they did yesterday that broke your heart. Never see any part of your Spouse as “dirty” and unfit for your gentle and affectionate touch. Don’t love to touch your wife’s cheeks, waist but hate to touch her feet or her hairy armpits because she hasn’t yet had her bathe.


It’s night season, so start the night session of TOUCHING. You are free to let the TOUCHING ignite a glowing CAMP FIRE!🔥