FOR YOUR MARRIAGE TO BE A DAILY LOVE AFFAIR, you must be Spouses who are liberated by God’s Word from the shackles of matrimonial ignorance.
You must be schooled by the Holy Spirit in God’s divine purpose for the Gift of Sexual Love in Marriage. If you weren’t liberated or educated in this wise before now, thank God, you’re going to get both right away!
Our first anchor scripture tells us that the first couple were both naked but were not ashamed of their nakedness. Their Nakedness was representative of Sex. They were not ashamed of Sex and everything that was connected to it including Kissing, Caressing, Arousals, Secretions, Moanings, Queefings, Ejaculation and Orgasms. Instead, they were proud, thrilled, delighted, overjoyed by these God-created, beautiful and exhilarating experiences; they gloried in them and celebrated them. Why? Because they knew that these things are not just good but VERY GOOD by divine assessment!(Genesis 1:31). It was so until Sin introduced the sense of Shame and Guilt resulting in the couple covering their nakedness with fig leaves. And ever since then, Nakedness and Sex have been things that humanity are generally ashamed to talk about except those in rebellion; just as we see in the case of Sinners who have given themselves over to sexual perversions and
But for those who are redeemed from the power and dominion of Sin by the Precious Blood of Christ, Shame and Guiltiness have no place in us and we must never let them hinder us from feasting at the lavish banquet of the blessings of God that are are set before us on the Majestic Table of Sexual Love.
In our second anchor scripture, God calls Sex WATER. In other words, Sex is something for your frequent usage like you use Water. It’s not for special occasions. It’s for your safety and survival.
Now, reading the whole of our second anchor scripture, we see that God refers to Sex with FOUR kinds of Water supply and they are: A CISTERN (A huge Tank of Water), A WELL, FOUNTAINS AND RIVERS. Each of these sources of Water supply provides more than enough to satisfy anyone’s thirst. But behold, all the four of them are in every Marriage. Now, remember there were Four Rivers in the Garden of Eden where the first couple lived!
Now, note that God speaks of DRINKING only in reference to the Cistern and the Well. But how are the Waters from the Fountains and the Rivers to be used?
In real life, how are water fountains used? They’re enjoyed by SIGHT and for BATHES. Fountains are similar to our present day bathroom Showers. They give you pleasurable bathes. How about Rivers? We swim in Rivers and bathe in them also. So, the massive and immense amount of Sex that God has provided in your marriage are more than for breaking your sexual thirsts in one monotonous way all year long. They are for usage in diverse ways: drinking, bathing, swimming, and for visual enjoyment. This implies having sexual intimacy in varieties of ways, instead of one boring and tiresome style all the time. The Water of Sexual Love from the Fountains are for cleansing your Minds(your thoughts and imagination) of the dusts and dirts of lust that are raised around us in a sinful and polluted world. The Rivers of Sex in our marriages are for swimming in and getting our “moral temperatures” normalized from the oppressive heat of Lust generated by immoral activities that are burning all around us continually in the World.
The Bible refers to the Fires of Lust in 1 Corinthians 7:9 saying that it’s better to marry that to burn. So there are circumstances that could set you burning with Lust but as you get home and plunge into the River that’s in the body of your Spouse, the strange fire is put out and your moral temperature drops to normal!
Can you see that Sex isn’t for storage but for constant usage in ministering to each other and saving each other in Marriage? Spouses are to use Sex for protecting each other from moral slips. You are the Amour Bearer placed around the life of your Mate to use the Shield of Sex in your hand to defend them against the Goliaths of immorality and sexually transmitted diseases(STD).
You will do well to be revolutionary in this matter. Quit seeing Sex from the traditional and cultural point of view. It’s a Kingdom Gift that you MUST use to build each other up and not a primitive and punitive tool for punishing one another in revenge for wrongs done.
Read today’s devotional piece together and discuss it soberly. Sex in Marriage is bigger than most spouses know.