Enriching Matrimonies

Lovebirds: The Four Levels Of Cleaving(Pt.3)

‘Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh.’
(Genesis 2:24)


In the last two days, we’ve looked at MENTAL CLEAVING and VISUAL CLEAVING. Today, were looking at PHYSICAL CLEAVING.

Our Anchor scripture tells us that when spouses cleave *UNTO* each other, they become ONE FLESH. Note that it says: CLEAVE UNTO and not “Cleave To”. The two seem to be the same but they’re not. Cleave to, of course, means attach one’s self to or adhere to. However, CLEAVE UNTO is deeper and more profound. It talks of sticking to, glueing one’s self to something or someone and vehemently refusing to let go. Do you now understand? To CLEAVE UNTO requires you glueing yourself to your Husband or Wife deliberately, consciously and with every fiber of being; nothing can shake you off. Living under the same roof isn’t in anyway CLEAVING. Cleaving involves your affection, passion and indeed the whole of your being.

Physical Cleaving involves

Some would say, “But these are all things we did “IN THOSE DAYS” as young couples. But now we’re grand parents and we needn’t go back to those practices; they’re for new couples.” How will your marriage not become old and boring when you hold such a mindset?

Marriage is never meant to grow old. No feature of marriage ever becomes old, obsolete, antiquated, outdated or old-fashioned.

Therefore, KISSING EMBRACING LAPPING SMOOCHING etc, must be regular features of your marriage.

In marriage, you’re not just good friends rather you’re LOVERS! Yes, you’re LOVEBIRDS and Lovebirds practice KISSING, EMBRACING, LAPPING, SMOOCHING, HUGGING, etc; passionately all their lives together as Spouses.

Marriage becomes tiresome and boring when you leave out it’s basic features that have been listed above. This is one of the reasons some go into extramarital affairs where they’re sure that they’ll get KISSING, EMBRACING, LAPPING, etc.

Make your marriage a daily LOVE AFFAIR. Lovebirds thrive in the atmosphere that’s dense with the willingness to kiss, embrace, etc.

Finally, never give Christianity or Ministry as excuses or reasons why YOU can’t practice SMOOCHING, HUGGING, EMBRACING, LAPPING, KISSING, etc in your marriage. God never said anywhere that you should make your marriage dull and uninteresting because you serve him. As a servant of God, your marriage must be complete and full, so as to be an example to the Flock that God has committed to your stewardship.

Today is Sunday and a day of rest for most couples.
Today, we’re taking TOFAC(Today’s One Flesh Action) a little bit higher. Get into your bedroom, lock out the world behind you and gently undress each other.
Next: Put on a good piece of recorded Song, embrace each other and dance in the nude. There’s nothing bizarre or odd about this. We’re on a Marriage Revolution. We must reclaim every feature of the Original Marriage that God instituted in Eden.
For your Love Dance today, I suggest my Song titled: HELLO HUSBAND. To use it, Click on the Link below: