Enriching Matrimonies

Lovebirds: To Love Best, Love First

‘We love him, because he first loved us.’
(1 John 4: 19)

IN EVERY FIELD OF ENDEAVOUR, there is a pattern that’s recognized or known as “The Best Practice”. In “Spousal Love Life”, otherwise known as Marriage, the best way to Love is to LOVE FIRST. In other words, instead of waiting to be loved, take the first initiative of bestowing goodness and kindness on
that special person that’s the great object of your affection: YOUR SPOUSE. Put more plainly, it means, make it your lifestyle to be the first to do that necessary act of Love instead of waiting to reciprocate! This is the pattern of God, Who is Himself, the greatest Lover. It’s also the pattern of His Son, Jesus Christ, Who did not come to the world be served but to give His Life as the ransome for the salvation of Sinners.

GOD always initiates Love first. And this pattern never makes Him a loser but the Winner.

Our anchor scripture shows us how rebellious Sinners who were formerly fierce enemies of God got to the place of loving Him, worshipping Him and becoming The Church. The secret is simple: GOD took the step of loving undeserving Sinners first(Romans 5:6-8).

Is your Spouse a difficult, unfriendly, rude, crude and unteachable person? Are they unforgiving, implacable, harsh and frustrating to live with? Are they proud, haughty, selfish and mean; even though they profess to be saved and born again? Are they unromantic, hardheaded, rural, unimaginative and individualistic prudes whom you now wonder how in the world you chose to marry them? Well, hear this dearly beloved. You didn’t make a mistake in your choice to marry them. God actually brought you into their life to Love them until they are transformed into Lovers and Lovebirds. Our anchor scripture tells us how the Church became the Lover of God. It’s because of Christ’s great Love by which He gave His very life in an agonizing death to redeem doomed humanity. And that’s the pattern for winning in Marriage. Don’t wait to be loved, cherished and pampered. Instead, get into action and do for your spouse those things you would enjoy them do for you and before too long, you’ll see your Spouse change and become a true Lovebird who loves to love first!

Tonight, you’re going to do something sacred and solemn.

Just before you go to bed, Husband get water in a basin as your Wife sits on the bed waiting for you.

After bringing the Water into the bedroom, sit down together with your wife and two of you read John chapter 13.
After reading, wash each other’s feet. Husband should wash Wife’s feet first and then the Wife her husband’s.

After the feet washing, pray together and go to bed.