BEAUTY IS A CREATION OF GOD. And like every other thing made by Him, Beauty isn’t just good: it’s VERY GOOD.
It is noteworthy that the Bible highlights Beauty as a significant quality in the life of some of the women it features. Such women include Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Abigail, Vashti, Esther, Bathsheba and Abishag. So, Beauty is a significant quality or else the Bible won’t underscore or call attention to it as a notable part of the life of these women.
The ultimate purpose of Beauty in the life of a Wife is to bring glory to God and to give aesthetic, romantic and sexual satisfaction to her husband. Just as God has placed this gift in you, so also has He given your husband a nature that makes him appreciate, cherish and relish Beauty. As a red-blooded human male who is visually driven, he nevers tires of seeing your Beauty and your feminine charms and allures. For as long as He’s alive, he’ll not become tired of your Beauty, except if it’s corrupted by bad behaviour or unchastity on your part.
Talking of Feminine Beauty, it comes in different forms. We have:
1. The Beauty of Facial appearance. This comes in diverse forms.
2. The Beauty of Bodily Shape. Varies from woman to woman.
3. The Beauty of Skin texture and complexion. Also varies.
4. The beauty of Hairiness. This appears on the head, in the arms pits, on the arms, etc.
5. The Beauty of Nakedness. Every Wife has this in abundance.
In view of 1-5 above, there is no woman on Earth who isn’t beautiful. None! God has ensured that He amply endowed each woman with at least three of the qualities above. Of course, every woman has Number 5 as earlier noted. And God has designed the heart of your husband to highly love and cherish the form of beauty that He has given you. So, what’s your responsibility with your Beauty? It’s to take good care of it EVERYDAY and make it available to your husband for his visual and sensual nourishment. Serve him your Beauty consciously and deliberately like you serve him food so he doesn’t look for it on the streets or in pornography.
Many Wives have relaxed in the area of self maintenance; so much so that their husbands are wondering where the physical attraction that drew them to their wife has gone.
Yes, the Bible truly says that “Beauty is vain”, but it does not say that it’s evil and that you should throw yours away.
Having small children to care for and much domestic work asking your attention in the house should not make you forget to polish your beauty every day and make it available for your husband to see.
And husband: When your wife returns from the Hair Salon or comes away from the dressing mirror looking radiant and yummy, don’t be blind and mute! Pause, whatever mundane thing you’re doing and give her your attention. Open your mouth and admire, praise, adore, extoll and hail her. It isn’t too much for you to stand up and applaud her. And please, do it meaning it. (I sang about this in my track titled URINYO LIGOO. You can listen to it on Spotify, Boomplay, YouTube, etc.)
Tonight, treat each other to another round of torso massage.