Enriching Matrimonies

Married Woman, You’re Like The Date Palm Trees! Unleash Your Voluptuousness And Captivate Your Husband!

‘And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her to the man.’
(Genesis 2:22)

WHEN GOD SAID, “It is not good that the man should be alone: I will make him a help meet for him.”(Genesis 2:18), He meant firstly, that Man’s lonely living wasn’t good. Secondly, that He, GOD, would create for Man A HELPER WHO WOULD BE MOST SUITABLE FOR HIM.

Consequently, God put Man to a deep sleep and extracted a RIB from his side.

As God held that RIB in His hand, He could have transformed it into teenage girl with pointed Breasts but didn’t. Why? Because He knew that a teenage girl with pointed breasts wasn’t going to be THE MOST SUITABLE for Man’s Love Life. A teenage girl with pointed breasts isn’t appropriate to serve as A MATURED MAN’S LOVER, SWEETHEART DARLING AND SPOUSE. In God’s all-knowing mind, a matured Woman with matured drooping breasts, large hips, big thighs and protruding butts was the most suitable as LOVER, SWEETHEART, DARLING AND SPOUSE for Man.

So He got down to work and transformed the RIB into a Big, Busty and Big hipped Woman, complete with full grown shocks of pubic and armpit hairs.

Today, it’s unfortunate that many wives don’t like their size, shape and bodily features as Women. They feel something is wrong with having large hips, big thighs, etc. Instead, they desperately want to look like teenagers. They earnestly desire to be thin and skinny because the World says to be beautiful and attractive, you need to be slim. The World also tells them that Body Hairs are embarrassing and shameful; and so they feverishly shave off their pubic and armpit hairs as often as possible. In the words of Apostle Paul I ask: WHO HAS BEWITCHED YOU TO BELIEVE THAT A FULL-GROWN MATURED WOMAN IS INFERIOR TO A TEENAGE GIRL?

Dearie, God designed you as a human female to grow bigger and fuller with age and to become more sexually attractive with age.

God also designed your husband to love and desire you even more as you grow Older. As a woman, you’re like the Date Palm trees. The Date Palm tree’s fruits get SWEETER with every new year. In other words, it’s fruits when it’s 65 years old are Sweeter than when it was Sixteen years old. That’s how a woman is: the Older she grows, the Sweeter and Richer she is as Lover and Lovebird. That’s why God designed Marriage to be monogamous because He created the Woman with the capacity to be increasingly sweet romantically and sexually with age!

Dear Wife, you are naturally complete. You don’t need fake eyelashes, artificial fingernails and all the other artificial things that worldly women wear. Your natural bodily features make you forcefully attractive and desirable to your husband. Be clean, romantic and submissive to your husband and he’ll desire you endlessly and helplessly.🍷💕💋🥂
Tonight, give each other a gentle and soothing backrub, before going to bed.🌴🍯🌴