Enriching Matrimonies


‘There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health.’
(PROVERBS 12:18)

THE THINGS THAT WILL MAKE YOUR MARRIAGE A GLORIOUS SUCCESS are within your easy reach. They are in the pages of your Bible.

One of those things is the way you use your tongue in your marriage. How you talk to your Spouse will determine to a very large extent the amount of peace, tranquility, harmony and cohesion that will be in your home.

Many years ago, I suddenly needed to go to the bank to do a transaction. Down deep in my heart, I knew I was going too late but since it was an emergency I set out. By the time I arrived at the Bank, the gate was shut and there were no customers within the premises. I besought the Security guy at the gate but he refused saying that I came too late. But after a while, he agreed and opened the gate. When I passed through the back entrance into the rather quite banking hall, I approached the lady I needed to see and politely requested in a gentle voice to kindly help me. She told me point-blank that it was too late and there was nothing she could do. I still pleaded but she refused. I then decided to take my leave. But as I turned to go, she said: “Sir, please come” and I walked back to her with a smile. And then she added: “Sir, do you know why I want to attend to you? It’s because of your manner of approach”! She warmly attended to me and I left with joy in my heart. From that day, she became my helper in that Bank!
Your words and your attitude can turn people off or turn them on in your favour.

Our first anchor scripture implies that there is a way you’ll speak and your hearer will be emotionally wounded and left bleeding. And there’s a way you’ll speak and your words will sooth, calm, pamper and nourish your hearers hearts.

Marriage is first a relationship of hearts before it’s that of the body and you must be careful how and what you speak to your Mate.

Arrogant words contain Arrows, and they pierce and cause pains, tears and unpleasant memories. Pleasant and complimentary words create joy, assurance gladness and smiles.

Husband, it’s your marital rights to enjoy romantic and sexual love in marriage yet it’s important that you mind your manner of approach when asking for it. It will be rude and mannerless for you to say to your wife who’s apparently trying to get the Baby to sleep: “Hey, you Girl, Hey, you Girl; do quick and come here! Let’s do it quickly and I will sleep.” This is completely disrespectful and unbecoming. Don’t be surprised if your wife refuses and then you’ll say that she’s unsubmissive. But who set the house on “fire”? You did with your careless and unguarded utterance. It’s wrong for you to talk to your wife the way you used to talk to the Prostitutes in the cheap Ghetto brothels down town.

Or a wife shouts at the husband from the bathroom. “Daddy Konkon, ha ha! Are you deaf? You mean you’re not hearing my loud screams? In any case, Oya, rush out to the clothesline and pack all my panties that I spread in the Sun. Better be fast! Oh, you’re always so dull and slow!!” Even though it’s true that you are both Lovers by virtue of Marriage, yet this isn’t HOW to speak to a Husband. These kind of words are belittling. It’s easy for your husband to see that you don’t respect him. As a wife, when you talk to your husband like this often and on, he’ll be quietly drifting away from you.

In Marriage, your words determine the sweetness or sourness of your relationship. If you are the type who talks recklessly, you might need to fall on your knees in your bedroom and ask the Lord to HEAL YOUR TONGUE!


Tonight, use your tongue to pour joy into your Spouse’s heart by speaking glowingly about them.


ENRICH YOUR MARRIAGE EVERYDAY WITH LOVE SONGS: Click on the Link below and listen to my Love Song titled: CONTEMPLATING DIVORCEπŸͺ˜πŸͺ˜