FOR you to have and enjoy THE ORIGINAL MARRIAGE, it’s important you know and believe the truth that’s in our anchor scripture above; which is that ALL AND EVERYTHING in Marriage are OF CHRIST, TO CHRIST AND FROM CHRIST. Nothing in marriage is odd or strange or sinful. Rather everything in it is EXCELLENT. When you KNOW AND BELIEVE this, then you’re on your way to practicing Marriage with joy, zeal and zest! And yours will be an Original Marriage.
In Revelation 4:11 we also read:”Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: FOR THOU HAST CREATED ALL THINGS, and FOR THY PLEASURE THEY ARE AND WERE CREATED.” From this verse we learn that ALL THINGS, marriage inclusive, were created BY GOD and exist to give HIM PLEASURE. Applied to Marriage it means that the feelings, the sounds, the secretions and indeed every detail of the copulation experience each time spouses embrace in the one flesh act is a delight to God and gives Him pleasure! It’s only when such things happen outside the domain of marriage that they’re Sinful and displeasing to Him. When you know this, you’ll come into your marriage bed each time minded to make the most of your intimate moments and having the assurance that God enjoys your enjoyment of each other!
Now, let’s look at the Original Couple, even Adam and Eve. How did they live their married life? Adam was a Complete Male, with his beard in full and luxuriant growth; and had no desire to MODIFY his body because he was proud of it. He had no odd feelings about any part of his body because he knew that he was created by the Everlasting God that never makes a mistake. Eve also was completely Original: no skin toning, no false eyelashes, etc. Her pubic hairs were full and dense; and so were the hairs in her armpits: full and dense. And she wasn’t thinking of when to start using a shaving stick since those glorious hairs were part of her feminity as created by God for His pleasure!
But was that all? No. Their conduct and character were sane, noble, honourable and godly. There was no pretence, pride nor hypocrisy. They were loving and thankful.
Eve knew her place and assignment in their relationship. Adam on the other hand knew Eve’s worth as a person God graciously sent to give his life more meaning and to enable him fulfill God’s purpose for creating him.
Both of them saw everything in Marriage as created by God and so had no hangups about any aspect of their intimate lives as couple.
To enjoy the Original Marriage therefore, you must have the mindset of Adam and Eve as revealed above: a deep-seated love and belief in their bodies and a stout faith in marriage as a Gift given by God; and your spouse as a precious Gift from God. Such belief enables you to appreciate, cherish and highly esteem your Mate.
Several years ago, God gave me a song titled I BELIEVE IN MARRIAGE. Do you know that God Himself is a staunch Believer in Marriage? Yes, He is and that’s why He didn’t scrap nor modify Marriage after Noah’s flood. Instead, He reinstituted it exactly as He did in Eden.
The first couple were also enthusiastic believers in marriage and that’s why they glamorized their Nakedness and were not ashamed.
When you’re ashamed instead of proud and zealous about all parts of marriage, you still need to be liberated by the knowledge of the Truth to be able to freely enjoy all that’s yours in the union: “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”
It’s not enough that you’re properly married. It’s important that you become a fervent believer, lover and enthusiast of the Marriage institution and all it’s components. That’s the first step towards having and enjoying an Original Marriage such as God established in Eden.
Today is Sunday.
You and your spouse should sit down together and read Genesis chapter 2.
Pay close attention to verse 25. Dwell on it for some time and discuss it.