Enriching Matrimonies

Spousal Addiction: Drink Your Love Wine Thoroughly, Heavily And Frequently

‘No man also having drunk old wine straightway desireth new: for he saith, The old is better. She is a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts intoxicate you all the time; always be drunk on her love.’
(Luke 5:39; Proverbs 5:19)

IT WAS IN THE AFTERNOON on Christmas day 1971.

Suddenly, a fellow staggered out of the Bar that stood across the road from our house. He could hardly walk. And then the news filtered in: he had gulped down the liquid contents of nine bottles of Star Lager Beer! Don’t forget, this was 1971 when Nigeria was very “sober”. Those were the days of Palm Wine and Raffia Palm Wine. So for a dude to drink nine bottles of Star lager beer was rare indeed.

But you’ll agree with me that he didn’t get drunk with the first glass of the greenish brew. It was as he sat there and drank glass after glass and bottle after bottle
of the unhealthy and ruinous substance that he became DRUNK! The same thing obtains in growing addicted to your darling Spouse as God intended!

Marriage was divinely ordained to be a “Positive Addiction” where Spouses are “hooked” on each
other; so much so that the thoughts of infidelity would be completely foreign to their minds! We see the basis for this in Deuteronomy 24:5 where God decreed a 365 days honeymoon for newlyweds in Israel; complete with exemption from communal as well as national duties for one full year so the couple would spend the entire time on nothing else but in giving romantic and sexual attention to each other round the clock! This holiday was designed to forge in Spouses a strong and mutual addiction to each other right at the onset of marriage; to fortify them against infidelity.

According to our first anchor scripture, when a man’s body is used to Old Wine, he doesn’t get easily desirous of new wines! And even when he’s offered new wine, he would reject it because he is convinced that the Old Wine is BETTER. This is what happens in marriage when Spouses Drink each other thoroughly, heavily and frequently. They become completely attuned to each other and their taste and enjoyment of each other become “set in concrete” they don’t have room for the taste of other kinds of bodies other than their spouses’.

Our second anchor scripture tells husbands to be practically drunk and intoxicated with their wives ceaselessly.

God’s command to cleave to your Spouse was given for this purpose:
to create an emotional and physical bonding that would make both of you powerfully inseparable.

It’s your duty as a couple to work on becoming strongly addicted to each other. See your Spouse as your Love Wine. Drink each other thoroughly, heavily and frequently and you’ll be addicted to each other.

If you make hugging each other seven times every day your practice and you keep at it faithfully for two full weeks, the day you don’t do, you’ll feel that something is missing! This is how positive addictions are formed.
Begin from tonight to create positive addictions that would keep you glued to each other emotionally, mentally and physically.