RIGHT FROM THE VERY BEGINNING, MARRIAGE was instituted to enhance, promote and facilitate God’s divine agenda on earth. Of course, God gave marriage to provide love, companionship and other blessings for the couple but beyond that, there’s a larger purpose for them to fulfill and that’s God’s plan:
“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, BE FRUITFUL, AND MULTIPLY, AND REPLENISH THE EARTH, AND SUBDUE IT: AND HAVE DOMINION over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”(Genesis 1:28) In the beginning, therefore, the couple’s part in God’s plan was to populate and subdue the earth, which has been vastly achieved.
Today, God’s heart cry is the preaching of the Gospel of His Son Jesus Christ for the salvation of the millions of Souls with which the earth is already populated.
Since couples played a major role in populating the earth, it’s only natural for every wise couple to stand up on their feet and lay hold on the Gospel plough and take part in God’s mighty harvest that’s crying for labourers. You can make your marriage an instrument for the expansion of God’s kingdom on earth in this dire hour.
Our anchor scriptures gives a remarkable account of a woman whose name is not revealed. She saw a Servant of God and invited him to her home for a meal. She probably sensed that he was tired and a meal and some minutes of rest would refresh him to continue his journey. Well, he turned down her offer. But because she insisted, he stopped over and ate; and from that day forward, she supported his service for the Lord by rendering hospitality ministry to him each day he passed through her town. She and her husband went on to build the man of God a house in their city and fully furnished it for his comfort. They did all these without being asked. They simply saw the needs and ACTED! You and your spouse can do something similar today. Look beyond your local church. Look at the harvest fields of God. Look at his lean and weary work force and you’ll see where you can come in to make a difference with your resources.
Note that Elisha the prophet wasn’t a member of the denomination of the Shunemite couple. They certainly had a worship center where they were members; and they must have had a set of leaders in that center including a Rabbi. But they didn’t allow denominational membership blind them to seeing the needs in the life of another genuine man of God and stepping forward to meet them.
Today, much of God’s work is languishing and in need of resources yet we have well blessed and financially comfortable married couples who just can’t see beyond giving offerings and paying tithes in their local churches. These things ought not to be so. God is calling you and your spouse to use your material wealth to expand His Kingdom on earth.
God isn’t asking you to go beyond the limits of your ability. No. The woman in our anchor scripture began her service to God in the ministry of Elisha by feeding him each time he passed through her town. You can also do the same as a couple. You can purpose to support a struggling Pastor and his family in their feeding. You could supply them good quantity of any of the popular foodstuffs like Garri, Beans, Rice, Yam or Semovita monthly. You have no idea what relief consistency in doing this will bring into the life of such a minister, not to talk of the prayers himself and family will make for you.
It’s time to go beyond monthly tithes and weekly offerings. Use your financial and material blessings to strengthen God’s work force. You can sponsor a small community crusade, a marriage seminar, a medical outreach or the publication of gospel tracts and books.
Your account in the bank has gone beyond the 20 million mark and you’re thinking of buying a new Jeep when you already have four healthy cars in your garage! How about investing a couple of those millions in a well talented and anointed Gospel Singer and get some glorious hit Songs out that will rule the airwaves, put demons to flight and bless millions of Souls each time they are played?
See yourself and your spouse as a powerful Two Person Kingdom Squad. Make it your mission to use all that God has blessed you with to populate heaven and depopulate hell.
Discuss today’s devotional piece before going to bed.
Pray and ask God to tell you which Ministers and Ministries outside your denomination you can invest in for the expansion of His Kingdom. Amen!!!