IN YESTERDAY’S DEVOTIONAL PIECE, we saw that one of the ways to be a husband whose wife enjoys is by walking in the footsteps of Christ Who laid down His life to meet the needs of the Church. Husbands were therefore instructed to identify the needs in the lives of their wives and meet them according to their individual abilities.
Today, we are going to look at another way husbands could make themselves sweet, desirable and enjoyable to their wives. It’s by giving obedience to the command of our anchor scripture for today.
Our anchor scripture gives husbands a golden secret on how to be enjoyable to their wives. And what’s this great secret? IT’S TO TREAT YOUR WIFE AFFECTIONATELY AS YOU TREAT YOUR PHYSICAL BODY.
If we are to fully discuss how we treat our bodies, this will be a very long piece. However, we can in a nutshell say that we love, accept, feed, wash, dress up, protect, pamper, give rest to, respect, honour, and deeply care for our bodies EVERYDAY without waiting to be told or begged to do so.
Therefore, treating your wife as you treat your body means that you will: deeply love her, joyfully accept her as she is; you will feed her emotionally and physically everyday. You’ll “bathe” her daily by forgiving her wrongs quietly and secretly. You’ll “clothe” her by concealing her faults and errors as well as by providing physical clothing to beautify her. You’ll protect her from all that seek her hurt. You’ll pamper her with treats and retreats; give her rest to avoid breaking down from exhaustion. It additionally means that you’ll respect and honour her and always be proud of her. You’ll never desire nor prefer another woman to her for any reason just as you never desire nor prefer to have another person’s body in place of yours.
The question some may ask is this: is it possible for any husband to do all of these? The answer is a very loud YES!!! If it weren’t possible God wouldn’t ask us to do it. Every husband affectionately and passionately cares for his body every day. He takes his time to carefully brush his teeth. Spends good enough time to bathe his body thoroughly in the bathroom. Sits down and unhurriedly eats his breakfast. The list is simply endless. He certainly can do same for his wife who left her father and mother to dwell with him permanently.
When he consistently treats her with deep love and affection, he’ll be enjoyable to her and guess what? She’ll in turn love him and submit herself to him without having to be pressured or persuaded to do so.
Spouses, your assignment tonight consists of two things.
1. Husband, ask your wife to tell you three things she would like you to do for her. Write them down. Do your extreme best to do those things for her within the next 48 hours.
2. Get a good song playing and get on the floor and have a great time dancing together! You’re gonna use the “EEOCT” Dancing Style. “EEOCT” stands for EMBRACE EACH OTHER CLOSE AND TIGHT! (EEOCT)
❤️💕🍇 MARRIAGE REVOLUTION CONTINUES!💕💞❤️💕💞💚💕💞🤎💕🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴