ACCORDING TO OUR ANCHOR SCRIPTURE for today, we are to do all we do with the mind set of seeing to it that it’s honourable and brings glory to God.
Believing in this verse and living it out faithfully will give everything we do the touch of excellence.
When we bring this verse to practice in our bedroom lives, it shifts it up completely to a new realm; making it a deeper and a more profound fellowship as indeed it’s the will of God for it to be.
Truth be told: it’s not not God’s will neither does it glorify Him when our bedroom lives are lacklustre, dull, drab and humdrum. It’s rather His will that our intimate times be ALWAYS colourful, first grade and panache! This begins to happen when we decide to make our lovemaking, performances and renditions that we do for the glory of God and in joyful compliance with our anchor scripture for today.
Sexual intimacy with your spouse isn’t an animal activity like we see when dogs, goats, cows, cats and other animals mate. No. It’s a covenant activity that’s each time a reenactment of the consummation of your marriage as in the beginning when you united for the first time.
Some godly couples make their sexual intimacy, not just a time of deep companionship with each other but also a a time of true fellowship with God just like the couple who wrote this beautiful Poem:
“We made love last night,
And today is new,
Brand New and Alive…
We talked,
We laughed
And we prayed together with our bodies.
And YOU were present.
It’s then that You always are Especially then
Our closeness to each other increases
And makes more alive our closeness to You…
And this morning!
This morning is sunrise
And growing things,
And feelings of anticipation
Today is new, Brand New and Alive
And the spiral of our lovemaking goes on,
Drawing us upward together toward You.”
(Dr & Mrs Joseph Bird.
From their Book: LOVE IS ALL: Conversation of Husband and Wife with God)
It’s time to move your lovemaking to a new level of freedom in Christ. I remember an Intercessor telling me that the prayers he and his wife make while making love are always strong and impenetrable to any opposing forces. It will even surprise you to learn that some Christian couples present their lovemaking as an act of worship to God.
I hope yours will no longer be a cause for quarrelling and insulting each other from now onward.
Use your lovemaking to glorify God. Put in your very best to make it not just a thrill and a delight to your Spouse but to God as well.
Reread the devotional piece for today and discuss it.