MANY MARRIED COUPLES ARE SECRETLY battling with a weak and unfulfilled Sex Life.
In many cases, one or both spouses are responsible, (even though ignorantly) for the poor state of their LOVE LIFE. They’ve inadvertently allowed a “Fox” or two or even more into their marriage!
Our anchor scripture commands the capture and extermination of these Foxes; because they’re the cause of the ruin of a Love Vineyard that otherwise should be in FULL BLOOM!
Resentment is bitterness or anger. When you go into sexual intimacy with bitterness and anger burning in your heart, it will definitely affect your sexual performance negatively. This is one of the reasons we need to walk in forgiveness and love always. Whether male or female, let your heart be free. Your sexual systems function best when your heart is free from the weights of anger, bitterness and grudges.
Some wish their body were different from what it is. Some Wives wish they had bigger bum and breasts and some Husbands wish they had a longer “apparatus”. And so, they feel somehow ashamed of their body and are not confident in the bedroom. This is a huge deception by the devil!
Listen attentively: IN SEX, IT’S NOT A MATTER OF SIZE OR SHAPE BUT SKILLFULNESS. And skillfulness can be learned as you have intercourse with each other again and again in your marriage. The saying: “Practice Makes Perfect” applies in the Marriage Bedroom.
More importantly, God’s Word tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made!(Psalm 139:14). This verse alone takes care of your unhealthy feelings about your body.
Your body is EXCELLENT because God never creates anything that’s less than excellent.
Some are plagued by performance anxiety. “Am I sure that I can ever satisfy this Spouse of mine? They’ve had a lot of past sexual experiences”. If you’re a Believer, you needn’t succumb to such thoughts. The Holy Spirit that is in you is the Master of human sexuality and will readily teach you Sexual techniques that your spouse has never heard of let alone experienced! Stop being afraid and expect the Holy Spirit to teach and help you. He is a Teacher of all Truths including Truths that govern Sex Life.
This is one of the deadliest Foxes!
Masturbation has subtly crept into the lives of many Spouses who practice it as an alternative to sexual intimacy with their mate; particularly when the later is unavoidably absent.
Like the devil it’s master, Masturbation comes to STEAL, KILL and DESTROY.
(a) Masturbation twists, skews and distorts the Sexual Arousal mechanisms. It switches it from the natural mode where you’re ignited or turned on by the Body of your spouse to an unnatural mode where you use mental images or pictures of strangers to achieve arousal and excitement. When you practice Masturbation overtime, your Body adapts to it such that when your Spouse is available, it becomes a struggle to get aroused by them.
(b) For men, Masturbation harms Erection. It gradually but steadily causes weak erections.
(c) When a Woman Masturbates, it erodes her interest in the natural Man-Woman intercourse and could make her even believe that her husband isn’t capable sexually; when it’s actually Masturbation that has altered her sexual system.
Thankfully, as you REPENT of Masturbation and ask God to forgive you, your body will gradually regain it’s natural composure and capabilities.
This is one of the deadliest enemies of a couple’s Sex Life in marriage. Pornography is not only addictive but completely Satanic. It also alters the natural arousal mechanisms and causes erectile dysfunctions. Forsake it. Flee from it and run to Jesus Christ for forgiveness and restoration.
(6)THE FOX🦊CALLED “THE PIERCING TONGUE”. This is another deadly Fox that ruins couples’ Sex lives.
The Bible says: “There is that SPEAKETH RASHLY like the piercings of a sword; But THE TONGUE OF THE WISE IS HEALTH.”(Proverbs 12:18)
When you use your tongue to speak rashly during the solemn time of Intimacy, you could cause harm that would take long to heal. Remember that death and life are in the power of the tongue.
That verse(Proverbs 12:18) tells us that the tongue of the wise ministers HEALING. Mind how you talk about the body of your Partner. Let your words make your spouse sexually confident and bold.
Get rid of any of these Foxes 🦊 🦊 🦊 that’s in your life. GET RID OF THEM TODAY and God will RENEW AND REINVIGORATE your Sex life and make your Marriage A NEW HONEYMOON.
Sometime today, sit down together and discuss this Devotional piece. Be brutally honest with each other. Be gentle to each other as well.
End your time together with Prayers. ASK THE LORD to help you begin your Sex life ANEW.