MARRIAGE MAKES SPOUSES One Flesh. Yes, One Flesh. And this isn’t just a mystical union but physical one.
When Adam first set his eyes on Eve, he didn’t say: “We are One; we are United!” He said, “This now is the Bone of my Bones and the Flesh of my Flesh”! This is what Marriage is. It’s a One Flesh life and that’s why God set the first couple in full nudity.
Nudity is the Regalia of Matrimony. And that’s why our anchor scripture tell us that the first couple Adam and Eve were both naked and were not ashamed. They felt elegant, graceful and regal in their nakedness and that’s how you should when sitting, standing or lying down naked with your spouse. You should be able to freely undress and dress up in the presence of your spouse without awkward feelings.
The truth is: your God-given Body is more beautiful and by far greater than the best cathedrals on earth. It’s so glorious that God dwells in it, if you’re a born again Christian(1 Corinthians 3:16). Your body is the image and likeness of the Most High God(Genesis 1:26-27). It’s a marvelous, astonishing and awesome creation of God Almighty.
It should interest you to know that your Body has 263 Bones; 600 Muscles; 970 Miles of Blood Vessels; 400 Cups in the tongue for Taste; 20,000 Hairs in the Ears to tune in to all sounds; 10,000,000 nerves and branches; 40 miles long sweat tubes; 20,000,000 mouths that suck food as it goes through the intestines; 600,000,000 Air Cells that inhale air.
The Clitoris has over 8,000 nerve endings on it’s Glans alone: more nerve endings than the penis has. It should also interest you to know that the Clitoris has no other known function than to give PLEASURE. And there are more than 15,000 nerve endings in the woman’s pelvis.
Is it any wonder that the first couple moved freely and proudly in their nakedness? It’s because they knew how exceedingly glorious the human body is. Whether short, tall, slim, or fat your body is marvelous and glorious.
In Marriage, you and your spouse aren’t one spirit or one soul. You are One Flesh. So why should you be ashamed to undress before each other? Why should you be ashamed to bathe together? It’s time to begin using your NAKEDNESS beyond the moments of sexual intimacy.
If your kind of house is safe for it, then try to have a bathe together sometime this week.