Enriching Matrimonies

The Two Feminine Captivating Powers(Pt.2)

‘Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; Let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; And be thou ravished always with her love.’
(Proverbs 5:19)

IN MARRIAGE WE ARE CALLED TO LOVE BEYOND THE ORDINARY. This will not at all be difficult for you to understand and zealously subscribe to when you are convinced that Life is all about LOVE(Galatians 5:14; Matthew 22:36-40). We are to love GOD, our Creator, with all of our beings and we are to love our neighbour the very same way we love ourselves. And when it comes to that special person with whom we have become one flesh, God demands that our love for them be on the superlative scale!

Our anchor scripture makes a demand on spouses to go Revolutionary in their marriages. Husbands are to each see their respective Wives as the most graceful, the most elegant, the most attractive, the most charming and indeed the most delectable woman on the face of the Earth. When you practice this, you’ll become numb, oblivious and blind to all other women. You become immune to their allure. I teach this with all boldness because I have practiced it and I know from long years of experience that it’s both real and true.

Secondly, this verse tells you to fellowship with the Breasts of your Wife ALWAYS.

Thirdly and finally, it drops a bombshell: It calls Wives to RAVISH their husbands. Note that it says to the Husbands: “BE THOU RAVISHED ALWAYS WITH HER LOVE”. So, it’s the Wife that’s to do the RAVISHING. She’s to take the lead and make love to her husband energetically. It’s a proposal for the wife to adopt the Active-Aggressive mode of Love making as against the Passive-Receptive which most Wives are given to. Isn’t this revolutionary? But it may come as a surprise to you Mummy G.O., Rev’d Mrs, Pastor Mrs, Elder Mrs, Deaconess, and all our beloved Sisters in Christ who are married that this style or approach is what Strange Women are using and Husbands are flocking to them. They don’t lie on the bed lazy and dull. Neither should you!

Sometime last year, I saw a video clip in which a beautiful and respected Woman of God(a Nigerian)called herself: “A ONE-MAN PROSTITUTE”. She said this as her husband sat right beside her. She was simply saying that she would go to the farthest extent as far as Sex Intercourse
is concerned but only with her husband! That’s a woman who understands Biblical Marriage!

Housewives, wake up! Stop dragging your feet in marriage and making it look as if it’s a punishment to be married. Yes, your husband’s attitude and behaviour may be so discouraging. But you can begin what will make your Marriage completely new. Get up today! Electrify your union. Be revolutionary. You’re a Woman…woo your husband. The Strange Women don’t wait for men to seduce them. They throw away all caution and decency and step boldly into the open street in broad daylight to seduce married men. So why should you be ashamed to seduce your own Husband in the comfort of your bedroom? Flirt with your husband every day!

And husband: when your Wife gets Revolutionary, don’t let the devil use you to discourage her. Join her in the Revolution. Go further to praise and appreciate her new Revolutionary stance in Marriage.

Tonight, reread today’s devotional piece together and discuss it.

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