Enriching Matrimonies

The Water Of Lovebirds(Pt.2)

‘Drink waters from thine own cistern, running waters from thine own well.’
(Proverbs 5:15)

THE ELDERS’ BOARD OF A LOCAL Church had several sittings to resolve the recurrent crisis between a member and his wife. All the sessions ended in futility.

One day, however, the cat was let out of the bag. The elderly nanny of the Couple told one of the Elders that the ceaseless unrest in the Marriage of her employers was all because of disagreements over Sex. The Elder then moved for another session of crisis resolution where the Couple was lovingly confronted with the  information the elderly nanny gave and that’s how the crisis came to an end.

God’s Word calls Sexual Intimacy in Marriage WATER. Do you ever have disagreements in your family over drinking Water? The answer is No! When it comes to WATER, there’s rarely any display of selfishness, censoring, greed or callousness of heart as to deny a family member drinking Water. The same should obtain in marriage.

Sexual intimacy is the Water of Married Couples and should be readily available for each spouse just as Water is freely available all the time for family members to freely drink.

It’s your joy and honour that your Spouse finds your Body irresistibly  attractive. It’s your honour that your mate always finds you desirable, alluring, compelling and even addictive. Your proper response is not to play “Hard To Get” but to be appreciate of your Mate’s unceasing thirst for you and to always humbly and gladly offer them your Body to quench their thirst. That’s the way of Lovebirds.
Remember what big national and multinational corporations do at the end of each year? They send messages to their Clients appreciating them for patronage over the years. Some even give out precious tokens of appreciation such as high quality Diaries, etc.
Today, let your Spouse know that you are grateful for their ceaseless desire for you and that you appreciate their love. Assure them you’ll always be available for them to DRINK.