Enriching Matrimonies


‘(1) I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. (2) The husbandman, that laboureth, must first partake of the fruits.’
(JOHN 15:1-2; 2 TIMOTHY 2:6)

IN OUR FIRST ANCHOR SCRIPTURE FOR TODAY, we see Jesus Christ, our Lord, declare that He is the True Vine and His Heavenly Father is the Husbandman, that dresses the Vine.

Note that unlike the Wife who is the Vine in her home and family, Jesus Christ is not weak; yet He is, as The True Vine, taken care of by the Father Who is the Husbandman or Vinedresser. If the Heavenly Vine (Jesus Christ) needs tending and care, how much more does a Wife who is the Vine in the home need caring and compassionate tending from her husband who is the Husbandman in the Home?

In our devotional piece for yesterday, we dwelt much on how the Wife needs to be up and doing in her duty of giving WINE MINISTRY to her husband so he would be addicted to her and be unreachable to Husband Snatchers.

Today, we are considering the responsibilities of the HUSBANDMAN in the home and this Husbandman is the Husband of the Wife who is the Vine in the home.

Yes, your Wife is “as a fruitful Vine beside your house”, but are you up and doing in your duties of watering and tending her as the sole Husbandman that’s given the job of attending to her? Or is all you’re interested in is how to drink the Wine from her luscious Grapes?

In our second anchor scripture we read:
“THE HUSBANDMAN, THAT LABOURETH, must first partake of the fruits.
2 Timothy 2: 6 Duoay Rheims Bible). In this verse, we see what a committed Husbandman does: HE LABOURS on his plantation or farm. So also is it your obligation to labour or work in giving all-round care to your beloved wife.

Dear Husband, always remember that your wife is a woman with feelings, needs, desires, aspirations, ambitions, expectations, goals, pains from the past, hopes and dreams for the future and so much more. Of course, you are not God but you are to walk in the footsteps of the Heavenly Husbandman and help her to become all she wants to and should be.

What are the things the Father does as the Husbandman that works on Christ and the Church? In brief, He REMOVES IMPEDIMENTS TO GROWTH AND PRUNES THE FRUITFUL BRANCHES TO BECOME MORE FRUITFUL.

Similarly, emulate the Heavenly Husbandman in His work on the Heavenly Vine. Just as He removes the impediments to growth and prunes the Vine’s branches to enhance fruit bearing, so also see to it that you remove all that would impede happiness, joy, and fulfillment in the life of your beloved Wife.

Do everything within your reach to help her grow. Is there a Christian Women’s Conference coming up that she desires to attend and which will obviously deepen her spiritual life and sharpen her effectiveness in her service for God? Sponsor her to that Conference if you can afford it. Is she desirous of changing environment for a while? Perhaps, she wanna travel with you for a vacation to JOS, the “Tinny”, Hilly and Chilly City or to Dubai? If you can afford it, then why not? Sacrificially granting the heart’s desires and longings of your Woman make her happy and the happier she is the richer “the GrapesπŸ‡” she produces and the sweeter her Wines🍷.

So, be like the Heavenly Husbandman. Daily labour joyfully in the life of your wife. Remove every impediments to her happiness and growth and help her to be more fruitful and more productive for God in her calling and destiny.

Tonight, just show each other LOVE. I have no idea what your present circumstances are but I know we’re in a world of strifes and contentions.
Tonight, express love empathy and compassion to one another other. Do it with loving words and with gentle, comforting and affirmative actions.