Enriching Matrimonies


’11 And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man’s mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD? 12 Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.’
(EXODUS 4:11-12)

AS OUR ANCHOR SCRIPTURE FOR TODAY REVEALS, every man is God’s creation. This includes the dumb, the deaf, the sighted as well as the blind. He’s the One Who created human beings with all their diversities in height, build, weight as well as skin colours and textures. It should interest you to know that He is also the One who created yours as well as your Mate’s Sex Drive. He did all these for His glory and for His pleasure(Isaiah 43:7; Rev.4:11).

In some Marriages, it’s the Wife that has a higher and stronger Sex drive while in others it’s the husband. There’s absolutely nothing abnormal in this. Everyone has his special gift and aptitude from God.

In a marriage where the Wife has the stronger libido, it’s as natural and normal as being a gifted artist, an eloquent orator or a great musical instrumentalist. Nobody blames any of these people for their gifts nor complain about their frequent usage of them. Instead they are praised, appreciated, celebrated and even rewarded. This is what it should be in Marriage. The holder of the stronger sexual aptitude should be seen as an asset by their Mate. Why? Because through frequent intimacy with them, the Partner with the lower libido will develop a stronger desire or drive. It’s just like the Scripture says:
“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise”(Proverbs 13:20a)

Growing up as a young Believer, I was taught a very important quality a Christian must have. That quality is ADAPTABILITY. This credential is also required for harmonious and peaceful coexistence in Marriage; especially, in the couple’s bedroom life.

The Spouse with the lesser sex drive should adapt and adjust to the frequent desires of the Mate with the larger appetite
rather than tactically trying to force them to reduce their consumption rate. It’s like telling your left-handed brother to stop being left-handed instead of accepting them as they are and adjusting to their harmless God-given nature.

You’re not in marriage to first change your Mate before you can love them. Rather, you’re there to love them as God created them and to serve their needs.

We are all called in marriage to be much more than just Spouses. We are called to be LOVERS. Lovers are enthusiastically committed to fulfilling their obligations in the life of their Partner.

If your Partner is frequently horny, don’t think it’s laughable and something to tease or worse still mock them for. Instead, see it as what it is: a blessing that you’re privileged to partake in and to in that process minister to your Mate and be thereby blessed.

Finally, don’t play the fool by doing the silly. Don’t be like the husband who first saw his delectable wife’s frequent desires for sexual intimacy as a health challenge and took her to a Doctor for treatment. The Doctor examined her and said there was nothing wrong with her. Not satisfied, he concluded she must be a Nymphomaniac and this time around took her to a deliverance Minister who instead of “delivering her” wanted to sleep with her. Thank God she hinted him of the development and he quickly took her back home. Don’t be a “Love Life Ignoramus”.
Your Mate’s strong and ravenous libido is no disease neither is it satanic. It’s a God-given sexual aptitude and a blessing. Celebrate it and adapt to it rather than fighting and opposing it.

Tonight, bring out your Hymnbooks and sing: ALL HAIL THE POWER IN JESUS’ NAME together before praying and going to bed.