Enriching Matrimonies


‘How beautiful are thy feet with shoes, O prince’s daughter! the joints of thy thighs are like jewels, the work of the hands of a cunning workman. Thy navel is like a round goblet, which wanteth not liquor: thy belly is like an heap of wheat set about with lilies. Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins.’
(Songs of Solomon 7: 1-3)

LET’S JUST IMAGINE THAT YOU HAVE A BABY that’s now one year old and looks so beautiful everyone that visits your home or sees her in church admire her and want to carry her. And then one day, one of your close friends visits and as she’s carrying your vivacious girl she says again and again: “Oh, this child is so, so beautiful and so adorable! How I wish she will always remain like this!” What will you do or how will you respond? Will you regard those words as compliment? Definitely not! Mother’s who are spiritually sensitive would instantly snatch their baby out that friend’s hands and say: “GOD FORBID YOUR EVIL WISH. I REJECT YOUR EVIL AND DEVILISH EXPECTATION! MY BABY IS A GIRL AND SHE’LL GROW INTO FULL WOMANHOOD BY THE GRACE OF GOD!” If you think that such a response is too harsh, then recall Jesus’ response to Peter when he erred in wishing that Christ would not die on the Cross! (Matthew 16:22-23).

Dear Spouses, when God created you, He programmed GROWTH AND TRANSFORMATION into your body. And He did so knowing that it’s not just good but VERY GOOD!(Genesis 1:31).

Unfortunately, many of us are like the woman who wished that her friend’s child would remain the way she was the rest of her life. This is more so among women. Most of them want to remain “Sweet Sixteen” forever but that’s certainly not God’s will. God wants you to grow bigger and fuller. Adulthood and total womanhood are His plan. As for your skin, there’ll come the season when wrinkles will begin to appear. Your hairs will gradually change colour from black or dark to white at the right time. In the all-seeing eyes of God Who knows beauty more than we do, wrinkled skin and grey hairs are not ugliness but honour, glory and majesty! These are by far higher than mere beauty.

This means that at no time in your life is any part of you natural body bad, shameful or embarrassing! At every point in your life, you should be proud, thrilled, delighted, and confident about your body as Adam and Eve were in the garden of Eden before the Fall.

In our anchor scripture, the husband lavishes admiration on his wife. He spares nothing in expressing his deep-seated love for her body: from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet, every part of her is beautiful in his sight. This man’s mindset is not peculiar. It’s the mindset of all those who have a deep understanding of love and marriage.

Marriage is a Body based relationship and the earlier you know it, believe it and live accordingly in your relationship with your mate, the better for you. When you understand that marriage is a Body based union, you’ll not only expect your spouse to touch you often and on, you’ll be alarmed when they don’t for no apparent reasons; just as a nursing mother will be alarmed by her baby’s disinterest in sucking her breasts.

So, if your husband cherishes touching, caressing, kissing and even sucking your breasts, it’s no disturbance but a sign that he is romantically healthy. When your husband is desirous of sleeping with you very often, it’s not a sign that he is not disciplined. It’s rather a sign that he finds you irresistibly attractive as a woman and that should make you happy instead of making you angry.

In talking about marriage as a body based union, we cannot conclude without considering the role of what I would prefer to call LOVE HAIRS.

Since sex is paramount to your union as a couple, God took His time to place Love Hairs on specific areas of your body. They include the hairs on your groin, underarms, around your genitals, and for some, between the butts. These hairs are unique in that they strongly stir up or evoke sexual arousal upon sighting or through touch. Doesn’t this show you the power of God? How come that eye lashes (which are also hairs) don’t stir sexual feelings, no matter how long they may be? How come that beards and mustaches don’t turn women on even though they’re also hairs? Neither do the hairs on the legs and arms! All this indicate that your Love Hairs have a special role and mission in your marriage. They are there there to ignite your lovemaking process and to intensify it; and therefore should be left to do so.

If you’re that spouse who’s fond of shaving them off
despite your Mate’s telling you that they love those pleasant “forests and gardens”, please heed their voice and lay the shaving cream and sticks to rest. Learn to always pleasantly present your body to your spouse as a sweet and sexy sacrifice of love for their enjoyment.

Discuss today’s devotional piece and be frank with each other. What do you think of the Love Hairs? Discuss freely with each other.

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