AS A MARRIED PERSON, YOU ARE A LICENCED LOVER and God expects you to be your best as a Lover in your relationship with your spouse. In other words, He wants you to function as a romantic lover such that your marriage will be a daily Love Affair. When your marriage is a Love Affair, neither you nor your Spouse will be drawn into the murky waters of extramarital affairs.
There’s something most people don’t realize. You don’t go into extramarital affairs to exhibit a cold, chilly and frosty love-attitude. You don’t go there to show that you’re a good, moral girl or a fine church boy. You’ll be kicked out because no one wants an icy lover. Those who go into the domain of extramarital affairs want Hot partners. So then, if in the sinful version of Love Life(extramarital affairs) coldness is not tolerated, what makes you think that you could be a timid, insipid and chilly lover in marriage and your spouse will be excited about you?
Even in the relationship of Christ and the Church which is our best model or example for building successful marriages, Christ is not pleased with a cold, chilly and frosty Believer or Church. He told the Church of the Laodiceans:
“15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth” (Revelation 3:15-16). Christ doesn’t tolerate cold or lukewarm Love. Cold love does not work with Him and you need to know that cold love does not work in marriage either.
Now, let’s look at the Wife in our Anchor scripture. She had the zeal, fervour and energy to go after other men(extramarital affairs). Supposing she invested that energy in making her own marriage a Love Affair, what would have been wrong with that? Won’t that have been by far better than walking into the deadly minefields of adultery?
From her words, we can see that she has a strong sex drive, which is something good in itself; and it’s why she could boldly propose all-night sex to her illicit partner. What would be wrong if she peacefully sat down with her husband and discussed a possibility of having romantic weekends together, now and then, either at home or in some good hotel around town?
She probably was discouraged and tired because of his incessant business travels that made him unavailable to meet her emotional and sexual needs but going into extramarital affairs wasn’t going to meet her needs either. Hoping into bed with any man would not satisfy her but only lead to sexually transmitted diseases, disgrace and probably death.
Some of the culprits to be blamed for coldness in Love Life are ignorance, tradition and culture. As we saw in yesterday’s devotional piece, many wives were culturally brought up to believe that it’s not proper for them to “show” their interest in sexual intimacy and as a result they’re always cold and chilly and at best indifferent in their response to their husband’s invitation for lovemaking. Today, you need to throw off all the culture and traditions that make you not to be free with your husband in the bedroom. In some marriages, it’s the husband who is indifferent to the romantic needs of his wife. Sir, please wake up. Your Wife is not a Nun and neither are you a celibate Priest. Stop playing with the romantic and sexual needs of your dear Wife.
Many years ago, a lady came to see me after a marriage seminar in a local church. Her worries was about her younger sister who was married to a gentleman who at the beginning of their marriage was interested in Sex but later became indifferent. His wife would undress and lie in bed expecting him to be drawn to touch her but all in vain. Dear reader, such weird or strange development aren’t caused by culture and traditions. Such are diabolical interferences by agents of the devil. Thankfully, their operations can be terminated by the power of God through prayer and fasting.
Finally, know that Sex is your Water as a married woman or man(Proverbs 5:15). No one is ever ashamed of drinking water or bathing with it. Similarly, you have no business being ashamed of having sex FREQUENTLY with your God-given Husband or Wife.
Live your Love Life with boldness from now on, in Jesus name. Amen!
Read Genesis 2:22-25 together and discuss it.
Do you see any element of Shame in the first Marriage? Neither should shame be in your marriage from now forward. You and your Spouse are Licenced Lovers. You’re licenced by God to practice Sex, Romance and Agape Love. Tonight, feel absolutely free to practice Love.
MAKE YOUR MARRIAGE A DAILY LOVE AFFAIR!π΄π΄π΄π΄π΄π΄π΄π΄π΄πππππππ΄π΄π΄π΄π΄π΄π΄π΄π΄π΄π΄