Enriching Matrimonies


‘And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:’
(Genesis 2:23; Ephesians 5: 29)

WHEN YOU’RE MARRIED, one of the things you’ll do to make your marriage grow stronger, lovelier and happier is to accept, affirm and celebrate your mate the way God created them.

When Adam beheld Eve, he could have complained if that’s what he wanted to do but he didn’t. He saw no flaws in the marvelous work God had done in fashioning Eve from his rib. And so, he received Eve with joy and fulfillment and declared her as the flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones. He celebrated the size her body. He loved the hairs on her arms, under her arms, around her navel. When he saw the hairs on her butt cheeks as well as the tufts of hair that protruded from her butt cracks he was enthused and delighted beyond words! So also was Eve pleased and delighted with Adam’s physique as well as the hairs of his chest, arms, and other parts of his masculine body. They both knew that they were created by God Who never makes mistakes. They moved about naked, confident and proud about their bodies.

But Today, many spouses create needless unrest and heartaches in their homes by finding fault where there’s none and demanding their mate to make some changes in their body to suit their puerile fancy.

I’ve read of a husband who wanted his wife to do breasts enlargement surgery because he wanted her to have bigger breasts, since he now likes big busts. At the beginning of their marriage he didn’t have this “strange taste” for big boobs and now that he has it, his wife must visit the Plastic Surgeon to be “re-created FOR HIM”. It’s both annoying and laughable. He saw this lady when she was single and married her knowing her breast size and now he wants those breasts bigger because he has some money in his bank account! Well, the lady I read about did some findings on breasts enlargement procedures and got information about the harzards involved and refused to do it. The Bible commands wives to submit to their husbands BUT CERTAINLY NOT IN A CIRCUMSTANCE LIKE THIS!

There are spouses who complain about their mate’s body hair and demand continual shaving.
Dear Spouses, please listen: Marriage doesn’t make your spouse “a god” over your life. Your Mate’s rights and powers are limited to enjoying your body as it presently is. It’s not in his/her power to order you to make modifications and changes in your body. That right and power belongs to God.

Perhaps, you’re that man or woman whose spouse is pressurizing endlessly to shave off all body hair, to make some tattoos on some specific parts of the body, etc. Please, don’t let yourself be led by the nose. Don’t let yourself become a slave to the idiosyncrasies and fantasies of your mate. Have the nerve to say NO and stand your ground. A mate who truly loves you will cherish you as you are and eulogize you. That’s what we see in the Song of Solomon. The spouses affirm, celebrate and praise each other’s body as they are. They don’t make demands for changes in one another’s body.

Our second anchor scripture tells us that no man hates his body. Every normal and sane person sees their body as an excellent creation of God. They cherish it as it is and NOURISH IT TO MAKE IT EVEN BETTER AND HEALTHIER. They don’t seek to alter, modify or change it.

Spouses, don’t let the fads and fashion around you and the so-called “modern life styles” on the social media deceive you.

Always remember that your Body belongs first and foremost to God. It’s His temple. Your mate is only privileged to enjoy it. You must not alter, modify or change it to please any human being.

Tonight, take time to look at each other’s body and vocalize your admiration of what you see. Let God hear you praise Him for the amazing work He did in creating your Partner. Thank Him for gifting them to you!